bonjour messieurdames and welcome to anotherepisode of champignonated, the show in which itorture your good taste with my flamboyantly infamous opinions on interesting and not sointeresting gaming related topics. i have chosen a heavily modded skyrim as the gamein the background - both as a teaser for an upcomingweekend let's play and as a symbol for what pc gaming stands for - versatility. the topic of today is a very important onefor people who want to learn proper manners. it'scalled 'how to behave like a proper pc elitist.' i have seen a lot of unnoble behaviour frommy esteemed brethren lately and feel the need
to intervene in order to further the causeof our glorious movement. i will address certainuncultured and uninformed behavioural stereo- types and shall give advice on how to conductyourself correctly in situations that force us tocommunicate with the global peasantry. let us start with the most obvious thing:write properly, fellow elitists. don't lessen yourargument with proletarian expresions like lol, rofl or omg. not only are such expressionsquite unbelievable since it is unlikely you areactually laughing out loudly or rolling on the floorlaughing, they are also uncultured. you are
a representative of a noble kind, so writewith dignity and consideration at all times. useproper capitalisation, commas and full stops. youdon't want to open yourself to attacks on your nobility by writing like a common gamerfrom the streets. this is not the elitists way. anothermannerism to frown upon is to type in all caps.even though an ancient internet mantra says 'caps lock is cruise control for cool', thisdoes not apply to us. we do not impress by writingin big letters, we impress by our knowledge and refined appearance.
a related misbehaviour i have observed isthe content of the writings of some of our clubmembers for which they should be ashamed. i have seen them insult fellow gamers on theirrespective youtube channels and web sites. this is not noble behaviour. or does it soundvery noble and elitist to you to travel all theway to a peasants cabin, storm through the door onlyto insult his humble abode? no, we lead by example. we educate on our own channels thatthe uneducated masses can freely visit. they needto seek knowledge themselves in order to be able to be educated. and even then, don'tthrow around simpleton insults like idiot,
faggotor likewise distasteful words. keep your composure at all times, and do not let them get thebetter of you. stay calm, write calmy. in a discourse - that you of course have notinitiated yourself - you should start by pointing outthe flaws in their logic, and give them the correct facts instead. should they start attackingand insulting you - i repeat again - stay calm! stay noble! feel free to engagein a fight, but know at all times that you need tokeep the upper hand in order to be a true representative of your noble house. insultindirectly. question their ability to think and theirintellectual capabilities. stay civil whilst
doingso. the lack of aggresssion on your side will rile them up to the point where they willstart viciously assaulting you, opening them upto even more well placed and surgical attacks. thisis how a gentleman fights. a gentleman doesn't start a fight, but he sure as hell ends it.with style. now that the lesson about proper behaviouris over, let us continue with the content of ourarguments that we as pc elitists can make. it is true that our systems have outstandinggraphical capabilities, but it doesn't feel very noble pointing out this one advantageof
pc gaming over and over. it's quite superficial,actually. instead you should focus more on the true advantages of pcs: we have a vastlymore diverse selection of games, while the globalpeasantry mostly only has pleb-action games to play. we sport a fine selection of strategygames, adventure games, puzzle games, flight simulators and many more kinds of sophisticatedentertainment. most of the time, pc exclusive games also have a higher difficulty levelthan console games - which is a fact that can serveyou well in your efforts to communicate with the lowborn. graphical fidelity is easilyrefuted by saying that graphics don't matter, buthow is one to counter-argue the fact that
console games are made for simple people?please do also mention the superiority of our inputdevices, giving us supreme versatility and precision in the games we play. mention thatdevelopers avoid pitting pc gamers against console gamers in competitive games, sinceconsole gamers would lose every fight so devastatingly it would crush their little souls in no time. as you can see, there are many more argumentsto be made for the pc rather than the old andquite honestly boring argument of our superior hardware. the true superiority of the pccomes from its users and its developers, its culture and its style. it comes from us, andthusly we should behave and argue in that
manner. i have witnessed a grave mistake madeby many of us that undermines our glorious auraof supremacy: boasting that console exclusives get ported to the pc anyway. this is not avery good argument. it is a bad one, actually. sincewhen does nobility seek to play the games of the peasantry? there is segregation betweenthe platforms for a good reason. we have enoughgames to play on our platform and shouldn't seekto incorporate those of the lesser systems. we should certainly not openly ask for themto be ported to the pc, or tell the peasantryhow superior we are because we can play their
games as well. playing console-based gamesis not a sign of superiority at all. it is asign of weakness and of lowered standards. please, dear brethren, don't lower your standards. if you follow this simple champignonated guide,you should be able to represent the glorious pc nobility properly and with dignity. shouldthere be any further questions as to how to behave properly, i'm of course available toanswer your questions in the comment section. to show your appreciation, you are more thanwelcome to like this video. if you are interested in educating other members of our gloriousmovement yourself, you should consider sharing this video all over the internet. ahem.
thank you very much for watching, adieu messieurdames,and see you soon!
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