imessage is cool again! so like after pepperspray video, three girls texted me, saying like, hey, how you doin'? so i would say thingsare going uphill for me. hey, what's up guys, keaton here, so apple dropped ios 10 has a ton of cool new features. i'm really drawn to imessage, and i think it's safe tosay that imessage has become cool again, so let's check it out. so ever since apple releasedimessage, like, five years ago, it really hasn't been cool. it kinda lost its wow factor,the year after it came out, and i can safely say ios 10 has brought the cool features let's check it out, pullin' up imessage right here. i got my good friend, brandy marks,right here. and you can see right at the top, it actually displays their contact, whichis really sweet, just because it kinda adds
a fresh, new perspective, versus just havingtheir name at the top. versus just having their name at the top. so another featureyou can do is, individually turn on read receipts, so i don't know about you guys, but i neverturned on read receipts in the past. there are some people that text me that i just reallydon't want to talk to half the time, and once you have read receipts on, that kinda defeatsthe purpose. now, i know you could kind of get a feature like this with jailbreakingyour phone, but since the majority of us don't really jailbreak, it wasn't a thing untilnow, so all you do is go to the i right here, and you can toggle on, send read receipts,and it will send read receipts to individually marked people, which is so awesome. so, now, so now you can tell certain people when
you've read their messages, and then for theannoying ones, you don't have to tell them at all. now, a feature i had no idea was evenpossible, is this thing called, screens, or background text, as i like to call it. soi'm gonna say, hey, here. and then this little new blue icon, has an arrow pointing up, isactually how you send a message, so just side note there, but once you type a message, youcan actually force touch down, or, sorry, 3-d touch down, always a, it's always a mindboggle, which it really is. so after you've 3-d pressed, 3-d touched down, you can toggleover to, send with effect, so we're going to hit, screen. i can do balloons, confetti,'cause it's always a party with me and brandy, and then lasers, so we're gonna do lasers.i'm gonna hit the arrow here. and just like
that, you can get kind of customized screensper message to send you certain people you want. it's pretty sweet, and i kind of onlysee it going up from here, just kind of getting crazier screens when you send messages, butit's pretty sweet. so i don't know about you guys, but i use emojis a lot, and up untilyesterday, using emojis wasn't really fun. you just hit the keyboard down here, you swipebetween the emoji you want, and then you select it, and send. it's not that fun, and it reallyisn't that intuitive, so apple's changed that, so for example, i'd say, hey, i'll be homeafter the football game to play with you. so if i typed that to brandy, and i hit theemoji button down here, it's gonna highlight a few words in orange, and then i just tapthose words, and i can actually replace the
words with emojis, and say i'm just typing,so i typed the word, home, i can actually put the home emoji right next to the word,so it comes up in the predictive section, so that's pretty sweet, oh, and then whenyou send an emoji, it's now three times bigger, so it's no longer super small where you sometimeshave to, like, squint to see what the other person's saying. three times bigger, whichis super awesome. another cool thing, is you can add some flare to your messages, so forexample, my girl, brandy, is gonna hit me with a message, and you're gonna see how ithas much more depth to it. you see that, it's just like, pops out right at your face, andi can actually do the same, so if i type, i'm excited, and i hit, i force touch here,i can say, i'll do, send with loud. so i can
add like a ton more customizations. one ofmy favorite features on ios 10, is this thing called, rich links, so, on my ios nine device,if i was to go to, like, youtube, want to share this video here, which is the pepperspray video, if you haven't seen it, check it out right up here, or links below, butbasically, if i want to go ahead and share it, i copy the link, and then go to like animessage. and just send the link. all it's gonna do is send the link, but in ios 10,on my 6s plus right here, someone sends me a video, or a webpage, it's gonna go ahead,and do something pretty sweet, so hang on, there you go. so you can see, it kind of showsyou a little snippet, so this is like the daft punk video, so if i was to go ahead andplay it, it's gonna actually play a little
tiny window from imessage, and the same thingis, if someone wants to send you like a website, for example, it's gonna show you a littlesnippet, like it is right here, and it's just kind of a cooler way to see content, and notreally have to go to a different app. so ios 10 has some pretty funny slash weird features,and one of those is, you can send your heartbeat to your friends. so, that's just another wayto creep 'em out, so what you do for this, is you see this like little arrow pointingto the right here. you just swipe on that, and you see like this heartbeat here. so youjust press that, hold two fingers down, and you can see, i just sent my girl, brandy,my heartbeat. also, you can draw a message to a person, so i could say like, hey. havethat go ahead, and send, and you can see that
in real time, and, let's get back to the keyboardhere. and if you want to write a longer message, you just tilt the phone horizontally. i couldsay, hey, i'm excited to see you, and if you type a ton, it's actually gonna go over ontwo screens, or however many long the message is. hit done, send, and just like that, youcan literally draw your conversations. so that's ios 10, now, just keep in mind it isa beta, so it's not perfect, and it's gonna be perfect in the fall when they release it,but if you want to check it out early now, hit the link in the description below, andyeah, it's pretty sweet, so that's pretty much it for this video. if you guys enjoyedit, a thumbs up would be really appreciated, and go and get subscribed by hitting thisicon right here. it works on mobile, so if
you're on a computer, or on like a phone,you can get subscribed pretty easily. so yeah, i'll see you guys in my next video, peace.
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