the term ‘money for old rope’ has beenuttered more than once in connection with capcom’s policy of continually releasingincremental updates for its games. back in the ‘90s, the japanese developerwas infamous for this practice - not a month seemed to pass without another new arcaderelease boasting improvements so subtle that only an expert could detect them. time may change many things, but it doesn’tseem to have dulled capcom’s appetite for squeezing profit from its evergreen franchises– as street fighter iv volt: battle protocol proves perfectly. what we have here is a superficially updatededition of the already popular ios interpretation
of street fighter iv. at first glance littleseems to have changed - the character designs and backgrounds are the same, and the gamecontrols identically. using touchscreen controls, street fighteriv volt – like its forerunner - does a surprisingly good job of replicating the intense and precisebouts of the coin-op and home console iterations of the game. each character is blessed with a range ofspecial moves, most of which are executed by stick movements and button combinations.the game engine is lent additional depth by the presence of throws, ‘focus’ counter-attacks,and devastating ‘ultra’ combos. granted, a virtual stick can never be quiteas accurate as a physical one, but compared
to other fighters on the app store this isthe undisputed champ when it comes to providing the authentic one-on-one combat experience. elsewhere in volt, you’ll find three newcharacters to play with. cody, balrog, and vega bring with them new skills and tacticsto master, and the additional variety is more than welcome. also new to volt is the wandering warriormode, where you create an avatar and gain experience as you battle through the game.it’s a neat little side-order to the main course, so long as you don’t expect toomuch else. by far the most significant addition to thisupdate is the ability to play against other
people online. the previous ios version ofstreet fighter iv was restricted to local play only, and this understandably limitedits appeal. however, it also ensured that contests weresilky-smooth and mercifully lag-free – something which unfortunately cannot be said for volt. we noticed a crippling amount of latency duringsome fights, and as any hardened fighting game veteran will tell you the moment youlose that vital responsiveness is the moment a game’s appeal dramatically withers. even if the online side of things was perfect,we’d still struggle to recommend street fighter iv volt. capcom did a great job ofsupporting the original game via regular (and
free) app store updates, and while we canunderstand the company’s desire to earn a bit of additional cash for its efforts,volt most definitely feels like it should have been an update rather than a standalonerelease. the new content isn’t enough to really justifythe steep price, and the online multiplayer – which is essentially volt’s usp – isflawed and plagued with lag issues. if you’ve yet to purchase the first iosversion of street fighter iv, then this is obviously the one to go for, but it's a marginalimprovement.
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